Kick Your Cysts to the Curb!

Kick Your Cysts to the Curb!

Day 2

PCOS Herb and Mineral Guide


A popular list of herbs and minerals that have been proven to nourish your body and improve PCOS symptoms are listed in the table below.

Herbs/Minerals Benefits Recommended Dosage Common Sources
Chromium Enhances the action of insulin, which may improve blood sugar control. 1,000 mg Onions, tomatoes, brewer’s yeast, oysters, whole grains, and bran
Calcium In regards to PCOS, protects cardiovascular health 1,500 mg Kale, turnips, collards, mustard greens, kelp and supplementation.
Vitamin D Aids in glucose metabolism. 50,000 IU once or twice per week Cod liver oil, eggs, salmon, mackerel, tuna and whole fat yogurt or other dairy products. Don’t forget good ole fashioned sun light!
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) Weight loss, hormonal balance and regulation, inflammation reduction, and creates a healthy environment for conception. 2200 mg (refer to suggested dose on supplement) Salmon, herring, mackerel, hemp, flax, walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables, olive oil, whole grain foods, eggs, and supplementation
DIM Balances the hormones and aids in the breakdown of estrogen;
aids in overall hormonal balance in women with PCOS.
200 mg Supplementation
Dong Quai Balances hormone levels and strengthen the immune system; normalizes the menstrual cycle, and act as a uterine tonic to reduce the pain associated with excessive menstrual cramping. 550 mg daily
30 drops 2x daily in wate
Evening Primrose Balances estrogen and progesterone; improves uterine health; anti-inflammatory effects. 500 mg – 1500 mg Oils/Supplementation
Licorice Root Supports healthy insulin levels and liver health; helps maintain proper hormone production and release. 20 drops in water 2x daily
Drink tea 2x daily
Maca Root Balances estrogen and progesterone in the body; nourishes the endocrine system. 500 mg 2x daily
15 g daily (4 -5 tsp)
Supplementation: normally powder or pill
Myo-Inositol Helps with weight loss and appetite control; improves egg quality; reduces acne and hirtuism 500 mg Supplementation
Saw Palmetto Decreases testosterone levels in the blood and has properties that can block the process of testosterone turning into DHT (dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of testosterone); lowers male testosterone in the blood. 400 mg Supplementation
Spearmint Decreases androgen levels and reduces the levels of free testosterone in the blood. Drink spearmint tea 2x daily Usually taken as a tea
Tribulus Nourishes the ovaries and normalizes the ovulation cycle. 300 – 400 mg Supplementation
Vitex Deemed as one of the most powerful herbs for women’s fertility and menstrual health; supports hormonal balance via the hormonal feedback loop – hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. 500 – 1000 mg Supplementation
White Peony Lowers serum and free testosterone levels; reduces painful menstruation; Performs better when combined with licorice root 3 – 6 g dried
3 – 5 mL daily (liquid)
Supplementation: dried or liquid


Of course, it wouldn’t be logical to try and supplement with each herb on this list, so continue your research and decide which combination is best for you based on how PCOS affects you personally.


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