I didn’t realize the importance of vitamin D until I moved from blazingly sunny Texas to an overly over-casted Germany. After a few months’ time, I made an appointment with...
Day 1
Most of you reading this article have probably researched the heck out of PCOS and know what it is by now, so let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
Being in the military I loved to do push-ups. Well let’s back up. When I was young in the military, I loved push-ups. I always felt they were a representation...
Benefits of Cod Liver Oil
Vitamin D Source
High levels of vitamin A
Helps Prevent Heart Disease
Fights Cancer
Controls Diabetes
Eases Arthritis
Make you bigger and stronger
Why Garlic? Reduce Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer, who wants a loved one to have this condition. No one! Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. Considering this is what...
Eat foods rich in vitamin C every day. An adequate intake of such foods may help protect against cancer and possibly other diseases. Besides oranges, the best sources of vitamin...